
A Salinas CA based homicide investigation novel by Matt Orlando.

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by Matt Orlando

Salinas police detective Mike Garcia is tasked with investigating the murder of a gang member found in the lettuce field of a rich grandfather he had never met. Having been a beat cop in 2009 when Salinas was known as the Youth Murder Capital of California, he knew what sort of retaliation was coming…

  • Price: $3.99

  • Paperback: $9.99

  • Genre: Suspense | Thriller | Action

  • Author: Matt Orlando

  • Language: English

  • File Size: 834 kb

  • Print Length: 344 pages

  • Publication Date: January 22nd, 2022


  • ISBN: 9798201534301


  • Salinas police detective Mike Garcia is tasked with investigating the murder of a gang member found in the lettuce field of a rich grandfather he had never met. Having been a beat cop in 2009 when Salinas was known as the Youth Murder Capital of California, he knew what sort of retaliation was coming from the clashing gang members that had never stopped the killing. There would be blood on the streets and fear in the community that still hadn’t recovered from the nightly murders. With little evidence and a frightened community, Mike struggles to follow minuscule leads. Then, in a shootout with members of the opposing gang who are backed by one of the most feared Mexican criminal organizations in the country, Mike unintentionally brings the darkness he desperately tried to hide from his family, right to their doorstep. Now, he must not only catch his prime suspect, he must survive him.

  • Coming Soon!

  • “As much as Mike had a sincere duty to solve the case, he would, in the end, see to it that all his questions were answered — personal questions he had forgotten along the way, but that had now sprung up from his soul like a growing seed pushing upwards through the soil“

    “The Golden Boy, as Wagner and his cronies called him, finally showed some tarnish. Underneath, he was just a tin man, and the gold was just plating, peeling away from the cheap metal day by day. Mike searched for the faces of his mentors. Of Gabriel Huera, Ethan, and his mother. He sat them at a table in his mind, waiting for them to speak, but they were quickly wiped away like chalk from a blackboard and replaced with the faces of the dead“

    “As he turned up San Benancio, he felt a darkness fill in him like ink dripping into water, dimming the new light in his heart. That empty house he was headed to.“

    “The morning was fresh and crisp. There was dew on the leaves and on his truck. The remnants of a dying fog hung in pockets between the trees, and the California poppies were opening their petals with the rising of the sun.“

    “He liked being in the church when it was empty, however. Sitting in that massive cathedral, the candles, the Christ, the Mother. He didn’t even know if it was true. But somehow, on some level, and in some way, it was. Even if he couldn’t see it clearly. And when he was there, it gave him peace.“


